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Creative Diorama (Summer Camp #4 Day 1) Instructor: Liu Laoshi

2018 Summer Camp #4 Introduction

Day 1 & Day 2 Making the Diorama (7/2-7/3, 2018)

Theme: Days of Creation

  1. Children make 3D models out of 4 different themes (Ocean, Jungle, Farm Animals & Dinosaurs)

  2. Large selections of stones, sands, seashells, plants, animal toys, foam boards, tissue papers, construction papers are prepared.

Group Presentation

Each group will present their project to the class after project finished. They will need to do some research about the animals on the internet or rely on the information teacher provides.

Day 3 &4 Building a 3D Community Models (7/5-7/6)

Community is a place where people live, work, and play. It involves people, places and activities.

  1. Let children to be aware of important places in our community. (Example: homes, schools, churches, libraries, police stations, fire stations, grocery stores, hospitals, post offices, Dental Clinics, shopping malls, banks, etc.)

  2. Identify the community workers/helpers (teachers, post masters, policemen, fire fighters, doctors, etc.)

  3. Identify different activities in the community. (Festivals, baseball games, concerts, parades, etc.)

  4. Identify traffic signs

  5. Helping Others: Any one can make a positive impact in his/her community. Help students make a list of things they might do to help out in the community. (Have a food drive for a local food bank, clean up litter, collect spare change and donate the proceeds to purchase a book for the local library, etc.)

Build a 3D Community Models

Students were divided into 4 groups and build their 3D community models. They learned the mapping skills, use their imaginations and communication skill to design their community.

Group Presentation

When project was finished, each group presented their project to the class. They Identified the buildings and made up a fun story.

Day 1 Classroom Activity

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