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Summer Camp Week 8 (Course Designed by Liu Laoshi) Day 1 and Day 2 Videos

Summer Camp #8 (July 30-August 3, 2018)


In this camp, our campers learn how to draw simple shapes and objects with their own stories and different themes. They learn how to compose a simple story and while making a little book. The purpose of this camp is to enhance their Chinese/English language skills and public presentation.

Day 1 Theme I Love My Home 我愛我的家

  1. Write/draw/color the worksheet with individual information (Name, family, favorite food, book, place, animal)

  2. Write/draw/color the precut images (furniture/desks/kitchen, etc.)

  3. Activity: making a Never-ending book (翻不完的書 )

  4. Present the books (in Chinese)

Day 2 Traveling

  1. Pretending that you are going to travel to a destination (any place you want) and you will bring stuff with you. What would you bring?

  2. Making a bag book (手提包書)

  3. Making the stickers which the images of your stuff. (Sticker Books are provided)

  4. Present your book (in Chinese)

Day 3 Noah’s Ark

  1. Understanding the Story: worksheet/video

  2. Making a six pockets book (六格口袋書)

  3. Making animal sticks

  4. Present your book (in Chinese)

Extra Activity: making a play set box (if time allowed)

  1. Decorate the box with washi tapes (serve as a storage and a stage)

  2. Making the Ark

  3. Making the animals/Noah and his family

  4. Presenting your story

Day 4 My Healthy Diet

draw/color the worksheet with fridge and pantry, empty plate, etc.

draw/color the worksheet with all kinds of food

draw/color your favorite food/drink

Making a T shape book (丁型書)

Present your book (in Chinese)

Day 5 Book of Friendship

Making a M shape pocket book(M型口袋書)

Decorate the book with Washi tapes

Exchange the stickers with your friends at the camp

Day 1 Activity 我爱我的家

Day 2 (Part 1) How to Make a Traveling Bag

Day 2 (Part 2) Making the Stickers and Oral Presentation

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