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The U Channel Field Trip Report

It was fun going to U Channel. I got to be a news anchor with Hannah. We got to see how the controls and camera and everything worked. It was very fun and interesting to watch and see the behind the screens.

It was interesting to see how much work and effort the camera men and control room people worked. I never knew that it took so much work. When I watch news on channels like NBC News, Fox News, and ABC News, I think it is just one camera and then they just move everywhere and do screen magic. Now, I know that there are 3+ cameras, and that the weather men actually didn’t have a screen behind them and needed to know where to point on the green screen.

When Hannah and I went up to be a news anchor for ‘ROLCA Sports News,’ I was flabbergasted at how hard it is to talk articulately and look up at the camera and speak all the words correctly. And with all the camera men and extra people there staring at you. We watched some other lady do it, and she was like a robot! Every single thing that she said, I could hear clearly and understand (well, it was in Chinese so I couldn’t understand as much.)

This experience was a good one, because it teaches me that I really don’t know how everything works and it takes hard work and dedication to really sharpen your skill of talking in speeches, singing, debate, acting, and any form of performing with your voice.

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